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By: Dr.Varburg
It is legal to purchase morphine online from licensed pharmacies. However, it is important to look for a legitimate pharmacy that is part of the Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice Sites.
Note - this is a review, Click Here to visit top 10 pain medication sites for price comprasion.
Morphine Drug Information
Morphine is one of the most important and powerful analgesics known to man.
Morphine (MS Contin, Avinza, Oramorph SR, Kadian, Roxanol) morphine sulfate (sulphate) drug information, dosage, side effects, drug interactions, and warnings. Brand names which contain morphine
sulfate include: MS Contin (MSContin), Avinza, Astramorph, DepoDur, Duramorph, Oramorph SR, MSIR, Roxanol, and Kadian. Morphine sulfate (sulphate) is a narcotic painkiller.
In anaesthesia morphine is used to relieve pain. This is an effect of its action on the spinal cord to decrease the transmission of painful stimuli from body to brain, and its action
within the brain itself.
Morphine Dose and Uses
Morphine can be given orally, rectally, by intramuscular or intravenous injection, sub -cutaneously, sublingually, or injection into the epidural or subarachnoid space. The dose for analgesia by
IM injection is 100-150mcg/kg, repeated 2 hourly as required. The dose used intra venously during anaesthesia depends on the nature and duration of the surgery. The usual dose given at the start
of surgery when intermittent positive pressure ventilation is used is 100 -200mcg/kg, followed by required additional doses of 1-2mg intravenously when required. After the patient has woken up
further doses of 1-2mg may be given until the patient is free of pain. Much higher doses are sometimes used during specialist surgery such as cardiac or neurosurgery. Morphine can be given to
relieve chronic pain especially from cancer. Much higher doses are needed orally than by injection. The oral dose is very variable for individual patients; sufficient should be given to
relieve the pain.
Morphine Precautions
All patients who have been given morphine must be carefully observed for evidence of respiratory depression. This can be detected as a slow respiratory rate and a very sleepy patient with pin
point pupils. Oxygen should be given by face mask, and positive pressure ventilation of the lungs started if necessary. Naloxone, 100-400 micrograms may be given intravenously if available.
Morphine Side Effects
As with any medicine, morphine can cause side effects. However, not everyone who takes the drug will experience side effects. Most people tolerate it quite well. If side effects do occur, in most cases, they are minor and either require no treatment or are easily treated by you or your healthcare provider. Serious side effects are less common. The most dangerous is respiratory depression. Minor degrees of respiratory depression may be detected following standard doses of morphine, but this is not clinically important. With higher doses or in frail patients, the respiratory rate decreases, the patient becomes increasingly sedated, and the pupils very small. Common side effects are nausea and vomiting due to a central action of morphine stimulating one of the centres in the brain concerned with vomiting called the chemotactic trigger zone. Other central nervous system side effects of morphine are cough suppression, sedation, and dependence leading to addiction. Addiction is not a problem when morphine is used to treat acute pain after surgery; sufficient morphine should always be given to relieve the pain.
Morphine and Pregnancy
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) uses a category system to classify the possible risks to a fetus when a specific medicine is taken during pregnancy. Pregnancy Category C is given to
medicines that have not been adequately studied in pregnant humans, but do appear to cause harm to the fetus in animal studies. Also, medicines that have not been studied in any pregnant women or
animals are automatically given a pregnancy Category C rating.
Morphine Withdrawal
Morphine is a prescription pain medication. It is a narcotic opiate that may cause withdrawal symptoms if it is stopped too abruptly. While morphine withdrawal can be quite unpleasant, it does
not usually cause life-threatening symptoms.
Morphine Addiction
Morphine is a potent narcotic opiate. As such, it has significant potential for abuse and addiction. However, morphine is also a very important pain medication that can be quite effective and
safe when used properly. Healthcare providers and patients alike must take measures to make sure the medication is used to its fullest potential while minimizing the risks for addiction to
Treatment Options
Early treatment after a morphine overdose is essential. If the overdose was recent, a healthcare provider may "pump" the stomach, induce vomiting, or administer activated charcoal to prevent the
body from absorbing morphine. An antidote may be administered to counteract the overdose effects of morphine.
Where Can I Buy Morphine Online Legitimately?
You can buy morphine from any licensed pharmacy, including legitimate Internet pharmacies that choose to sell controlled substances. Additionally, buying morphine (or other similar medications) without a prescription is usually significantly more expensive than buying morphine legitimately. Also, you can also buy morphine at your local pharmacy. Either way, make sure your pharmacist (including your online pharmacist) has a complete list of all the medications you are taking and any medical conditions you may have.
Click Here to visit the Morphine's site.
About the Author
You can buy morphine from any licensed pharmacy, including legitimate Internet pharmacies that choose to sell controlled substances
(ArticlesBase SC #824814)
Article Source: - Morphine Pain Medication
Le Comité IDAHO, organisateur de la Journée mondiale de lutte contre l’homophobie et la transphobie qui se tient comme chaque année le 17 mai, annonce un programme bien chargé cette année. Débats, projections, expositions, concerts, animations di verses et variées, campagnes de sensibilisations etc., ce sont plus de 150 événements qui s’étaleront sur plusieurs jours et auront lieu, dans 39 villes, d’Amiens à Villeurbanne, en passant par Aubervilliers, Montreuil, Paris, Strasbourg, Toulouse et jusqu’à Nouméa.
De nombreux événements porteront sur la religion, thématique mise en avant pour cette édition de l’Idaho, et notamment lors du colloque prévu à l’Assemblée nationale le 17 mai, à partir de 9h30, avec les représentants des grands cultes, des associations lesbiennes, gaies, bi et trans’, et la présence annoncée du ministre de l’Intérieur.
Mais bien d’autres événements sont à prévoir dont une vague de bisous contre l’homophobie à travers les nombreux kiss-in organisés ces jours-ci, tout partout en France. Vous trouverez ci-dessous le programme des actions, listé ville par ville par ordre alphabétique. N’hésitez pas à visiter le site de l’Idaho [en] pour d’éventuelles mises à jour du programme.
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